Why Catalyst for Bliss?


Why Catalyst for Bliss?

My story…

About this blog

So I had wanted to write a blog for a very long time, but kept delaying the actual posting until I felt "ready." And so it never happened. Until now.

I've finally decided to follow my own advice (and the urging of countless others) and START HERE, START NOW.

Why Catalyst for Bliss?

A Catalyst is a Change Agent

Catalyst means change agent; it's defined as a substance that causes a chemical reaction to occur but is not itself involved in the reaction and, alternatively, as an event or person who causes a change.  

The kind of catalyst that interests me can be anything: a life event such as illness or birth, an in-depth discussion with a stranger or a friend, a move across the country, or something less dramatic, such as a TV commercial or even the weather. For me, catalysts are often found in something I’ve read or heard or the experiences of others, which then sparks a thought or the potential for a new, better way of being. 

In fact I particularly love stories of transformation, of fundamental and profound change, of obstacles overcome, and even ordinary, everyday magic made. These stories remind me of the possibilities that come every day with just being alive.

TWEET ME ~ We all love stories of transformation, of obstacles overcome and everyday magic made. 

Finally, I just love change. I love the variety and movement. I identify myself as a seeker - the kind of person who wishes to truly know herself and the world - and I think change is one of the more powerful agents for revealing us to ourselves. In the hero’s journey (which is our journey), we discover that we had everything we needed all along; we only needed the opportunity and the challenge to bring forth that aspect of ourselves. Change brings that necessary opportunity and challenge to our lives and acts as the catalyst for growth. If you are ready to change and are interested in getting some support and encouragement, sign up here for a free Clarity consultation session.

Bliss. It just seems so blissful.

And Bliss… what a lovely word. Just the sound of it makes me smile. 

Bliss is defined as perfect happiness, great joy. And, to be honest, not a word that I had allowed myself in a long time. I struggled with using such a dippy, hippy, trippy word and felt it was too, well you know, “woo-woo” for me to want for myself. 

Bliss isn’t perfection - because perfection is a joy killer.

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about the word "perfect" as part of the definition because I've always felt that perfection is a joy killer. But here I think it helps express the greatest possible limit to our capacity for joy and happiness; the ultimate experience which is bliss. 

In order to accept that I can have moments of true bliss, I have to allow that kind of happiness into my life. I have to just “be with it” instead of trying to play it down or minimize it under to guise of practicality, the knowledge that it’s temporary, and just everyday, ordinary self-sabotaging thoughts such as “who are you to be so happy?” 

Coaching Trick To Feel Happier and Find Bliss

One of the techniques in my coaching practice is to really mine deeply down into the happiness of those blissful moments; helping my clients see, feel and even celebrate the richness of those good times. Often we don’t share when we feel really blissful because of the expectation that other people will be resentful, that they will somehow lessen the joy, or because we don’t believe we are deserving.  

In coaching, we work on fully feeling and expressing all of the aspects of our lives - the “good” and the “bad” - and why would we want to skip such a lovely, yummy moment?

My Story

I started seeking at an early age, trying to "find" myself through oh-so-many different jobs, cities, types of friends. I gave myself labels such as Multipotentialite, Scanner, Multipassionate. I let myself explore things or places I thought were interesting, allowing my curiosity and intellect guide me, but I refused to be swayed by emotion. Even worse, I always set a ceiling on exactly how much happiness I would allow myself, how much feeling I would let in. Bliss was not a word I would use, ever.

Then, as I got older, I realized what a safe, but colorless experience that created. I wanted more *life* in my life - more passion, more fun, more connection, more giggles - just more.

~Pin ME I want more life in my life - more passion, more fun, more connection, more giggles - just more!

And now I’m building a life that includes all of the things I love, family, friends, travel, work that challenges and delights me, and money and security enough to support it all.

The Spark that creates change…

I love when my clients share their lives with me and when I get to be a part of positive changes they make. But more than anything else, I love to share and hear about the spark, that moment and what happened to create the change.  Sometimes the spark is something small, such as being fully present and aware in that moment when you walk outside and first feel the sun on your face, then letting that small moment guide your day and interactions with others. And other times, the spark is more of a bonfire like choosing to change your whole life by selling your car and your possessions so that you can go traveling around the world with your children and your partner for an entire year.

I decided I needed a place to share those things, people, places, ideas, and moments which have inspired me the most. And maybe you will share some of yours back.

Catalyst For Bliss is about sharing

So why a blog called Catalyst for Bliss? Because I want to share my own personal tools, resources, and inspirations and hope these articles may also act as Catalysts to spark some change for you and allow you to fully experience your Bliss!

~ If you’d like to share a story of some Catalyst which created enormous or lasting change in your life, contact me here and maybe you will be featured in a future post!